Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Do Dumbbell One Arm Side Deadlift



Last week I showed you how to perform the dumbbell sumo deadlift. Today, you're going to learn how to do the one arm side deadlift with dumbbell. This deadlift variation is useful for developing upper body strength.

Benefits of the one arm side deadlift with dumbbell:

  • strengthens glutes
  • strengthens hamstrings
  • strengthens legs
  • strengthens biceps
  • strengthens forearm
  • strengthens grip
  • strengthens core

Training with a dumbbell is an excellent way for beginners to learn proper form and technique to beginners.

How To Do Dumbbell One Arm Side Deadlifts

You'll need only one dumbbell for this exercise. For a warm up, place the weight on the floor and stand next to it. Now bend your knees and grasp the dumbbell in one hand. Take a deep breath and use your hips to push yourself to an upright position. Now exhale as you bend your knees and lower yourself to the floor. Repeat this for ten reps then train the other side of your body. From there, get a heavier dumbbell. As with the previous deadlift exercises, you want to workout for up to six reps per set. Workout for five sets per side but not to fatigue. It's okay if you're not able to complete as many reps when you do all of your sets. After you've completed five sets, you can do other exercises. Increase the amount you lift by 5 - 10 pounds every week. Once you've achieved the heaviest weighted dumbbell, you're ready to perform side deadlifts with barbell. You'll find them much easier to do with faster progression because your body will have developed a lot of strength.

Now is the time to get in shape. Spring is almost here, and with it comes warmer weather and more time outdoors. You'll be able to put your whole body strength to good use.

"Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts: How To Do Dumbbell One Arm Side Deadlift" copyright 2011 Great Chest Workouts. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Do Dumbbell Sumo Deadlifts



Last week I talked about how to do dumbbell Romanian deadlifts. Today I'm going to show you how perform dumbbell sumo deadlifts. This exercise is good for people with long torsos and short arms. They have other benefits, too.

Benefits of the Sumo Deadlift:

  • strengthens glutes
  • strengthens hamstrings
  • strengthens lower back
  • strengthens core
  • strengthens obliques
  • strengthens forearms
  • stimulates growth hormone production

This is an exercise that you should add to your strength training routine.

How To Do Dumbbell Sumo Deadlifts

Some people use a single dumbbell and that's fine, but if your goal is to progress to barbell deadlifts (and I hope it is), you'll need to simulate the barbell exercise as much as possible. Grab a light weight dumbbell. Place it on the floor in front of you. Now spread your legs slightly further than shoulder width apart. Imagine how a sumo wrestler stands when he's getting in position for a match. Now bend the knees and pick up the dumbbell. Your arms should be between your legs. Now, using your glutes, push yourself to an upright position. Hold that position for a moment then lower the dumbbell to the floor again. Repeat this for 10 reps.

After you've done this, grab a heavier dumbbell. You want to the weight to be heavy enough that you'll be exerting effort to accomplish 4 - 6 reps. Go for 5 reps of this exercise. The sumo deadlift might be physically taxing for beginners, so don't be surprised if the number of reps decreases each time you do another set. That's okay. You don't want the exercise to be too easy, elsewise it wouldn't do you any good. By the time you've finished up five sets, you should be feeling it in your hamstrings. Now you can do other exercises.

The sumo deadlift is a compound exercise that builds strength which is useful for overall growth and helps with progression in chest building exercises. You definitely need to do full body exercises because they are an important element of any great chest workout.

Do you want a powerful and sexy body? Then get off the computer and into the weight room. Now would be a good time.

"Great Chest Workouts: How To Do Dumbbell Sumo Deadlifts" copyright 2011 Great Chest Workouts. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Do Romanian Dumbbell Deadlifts



This is the latest issue in the dumbbell exercises for legs training series. Last week, I discussed the one leg dumbbell deadlift. This time I'm going to show you how to do the Romanian dumbbell deadlift. This exercise is an important part of any serious bodybuilding/strength training workout.

Benefits of the Romanian deadlift

  • strengthens back
  • strengthens glutes
  • strengthens hamstrings 

How To Do the Romanian Dumbbell Deadlift

You'll need a pair of dumbbells for this exercise. To learn deadlift form, begin with a warm up set; grab two light weight dumbbells and hold them in front of you. Now, while keeping your back straight, use your hips to slowly bend toward the floor. Stop when you're at knee level. Now, use your glute muscles to pull yourself back up to standing position. That's one rep. Make sure that you don't lock your knees during this exercise. The purpose of Romanian deadlifts is to develop the muscles in your lower back, glutes and hamstrings. Once you've completed ten reps, get heavier weights and go again*. Go for four to six reps then stop. I recommend doing at least five sets of this exercise each workout. If you can't do more than one or two reps when starting out, then you'll need to select lighter dumbbells. If you can easily perform eight or more reps in one set, grab some heavier weights.

Each week, increase the dumbbell weight by five to ten pounds. Using dumbbells will not only give you a strong lower body workout, it will help you to learn proper form when you move up to barbell deadlifts. The benefits of this exercise go beyond lower body strengthening. When you're lifting heavy weights, it stimulates the release of growth hormones which will also cause the muscles in your chest to grow. You'll have more strength when doing chest workouts. And that's another reason why deadlifts are a great exercise.

Now that I've covered the basics of the Romanian dumbbell deadlift, it's up to you to do them. Do you want to become stronger? To develop a powerful, sexy upper body? The only way to get it is to train hard. And you can't do that sitting at a computer. Get out there and workout. Now.

"Great Chest Workouts: How To Do Romanian Deadlifts" copyright 2011 Great Chest Workouts. All Rights Reserved.

*In the demo I used 75 pound dumbbells for eleven reps.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Do One Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts

Balance And Power



Last week I introduced you to dumbbell deadlifts, these are the little cousin of the barbell deadlift exercise. Deadlifts are ideal for developing core and lower body strength, both of which come in handy when your goal is to improve on great chest workouts. When you've got a good core, you can press heavy weights with greater ease than if you just focused on upper body alone. This time I'm going to show you how to perform one leg dumbbell deadlifts.

Benefits of the one leg dumbbell deadlift:

  • improves balance
  • improves posture
  • strengthens core muscles
  • stimulates growth hormone production

How To Do One Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts

One leg dumbbell deadlifts (or single leg dumbbell deadlifts) are easy to do. Grab a pair of light weight dumbbells and place them on the floor in front of you. Now, extend one leg behind you while leaning forward to pick up the dumbbells. Using the muscles in your abs and lower back, pull yourself to a fully upright position. Hold for a moment then lower lean forward lowering the dumbbells to within one inch of the floor. That is one repetition. Repeat this for a total of ten reps. That was your warm up set. Now get a pair of heavier dumbbells and do the exercise again. Try to go for 4 - 6 reps, that is a good start. If you can perform more than this, it means you've chosen weights that aren't heavy enough for you. Conversely, if you can't do better than 2 - 3 repetitions when starting on the set, you're lifting more than your body can handle. The goal is to lift heavy and build strength. So go for five sets of this exercise then move on to something else e.g. lunges, leg presses, etc. Gradually increase the weights by five to ten pound increments every week, this is how you'll stimulate muscle growth at a normal healthy pace.

If you do these exercises on a regular basis, you'll begin to see a noticeable improvement in strength and power. Not only that, you'll have better balance and posture which are always good for everyday life.

This is the second month of 2011. A perfect time to start working out to create the fantastic and powerful body that you've been dreaming about. So don't just sit around reading about exercise, get started. Now.

"Great Chest Workouts: How To Do One Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts - Balance And Power" copyright 2011 Great Chest Workouts. All Rights Reserved.