Monday, October 31, 2011

Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts: How To Do Dumbbell Bent Over Rear Delt Fly Exercise



Most guys want a huge looking back. It's one of the signs of a healthy, strong body. But how do you get there? Keep on reading this article because I'm about to let you in on a secret to a huge back.

Today I'm going to show you how to do dumbbell bent over rear delt flys. This compound exercise is great for the upper body because it:

  • strengthens the deltoid muscles
  • strengthens the trapezius muscles
  • strengthens the rhomboid muscles
It's not a very difficult exercise to learn, so we're going to get started right away.

How To Do Bent Over Rear Delt Flys And Develop A Huge Back

You'll need a pair of dumbbells for this exercise. Grab a pair of light weight dumbbells to begin your warm up set. Lean forward to a 25 to 30 degree angle. Bend your knees slightly. Extend your arms down in front of you, pals facing each other. Now, use your back muscles to pull each dumbbell upward and away from your body until they're at shoulder height. Go for a full range of motion.

Essentially, it's a similar to flying, your arms will move in reverse motion to those of a bird's upward wing flap. Once you've reached the top of the movement, bring your arms back to the starting position. That's one repetition. Perform nine more then take a short break. After the warm up set, grab some heavier weights. Strength trainers should aim for 4 - 6 reps and a total of five sets; for people who just want to tone up, so 10 - 15 reps for five sets.

(Some people may use an inclined bench if you have very underdeveloped back muscles but benches reduce the muscular benefit of the exercise, so start out with very light weights. If you're unable to perform the exercise unassisted, then use the bench. In this situation, you'll set the bench at a 135 degree angle, then you'll place your chest on the bench while holding the weights at your sides. From there, you'll perform the exercise as you would have without the use of the bench.)

Increase the amount by 10 pounds each week (e.g. one 10 pound dumbbell per hand this week for a total of twenty pounds, the next week choose two fifteen pound dumbbells for a total of thirty pounds) until you reach a point where you can't perform the exercise without compromising your form. In other words, don't lift more weight than your body can handle.

Dumbbell bent over reverse delt flys (as this exercise is sometimes called), will help you to develop a powerful upper body. Your posterior delts and lats will look great and your back will be huge.

Quit complaining that you'll never have a great looking body. Stop whining about being weak and out of shape. To become healthier and stronger, you've got to want it bad enough to make sacrifices. Get off the computer (or the sofa) and start working out. Now is the time.

"Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts: How To Do Dumbbell Bent Over Rear Delt Fly Exercise" copyright 2011 Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, October 24, 2011

How To Do Lateral Box Jumps



Last week I introduced you to box jumps, a plyometric exercise that increases strength and power throughout the entire power. Today I'm going to show you how to do lateral box jumps. The lateral box jump has many benefits including:

  • neuromuscular coordination
  • strong quads
  • strong calves
  • strong glutes
  • strong bones
  • strong joints

This is a challenging exercise so you shouldn't attempt it until you've mastered the basic box jump.

How To Do Lateral Box Jumps

You'll need a sturdy box, aerobic steps or bench for this exercise. Stand to the right of the box with your feet parallel to it. Bend your knees to a 30 degree angle. Make sure to tighten your quads, hamstrings and glutes. Now jump laterally i.e. sideways over the box. Once you land on the other side of the box, jump over it again returning to your starting position. That's one repetition. Repeat this for a total of fifteen reps then take a short break, then go again for a total of three sets of lateral box jumps.

You can increase the difficulty of the exercise by increasing the height of the box. The lateral box jump is challenging because you must clear a hurdle, you're not allowed to land on the box at any point during the exercise. It takes a tremendous amount of physical strength the jump over an object, and it requires good concentration and coordination to perform a sideways jump.

Plyometrics also strengthen the bones and joints. Walking, running, jogging and dancing are all examples of plyometrics. Landing on a surface from a given height is absorption of kinetic energy. The greater the height, the greater the energy that is generated and absorbed. Strong bones and joints can absorb more kinetic energy than weak bones. Practicing box jumps can make these organs stronger and more durable.

If you do box jumps on a regular basis, your muscles will become much stronger, enabling you to jump higher. You'll have carryover to squats, deadlifts, overhead lifts (with clean and press), and even benching, thus making this a very valuable exercise.

You want a stronger, healthier and sexier body. You've got to work hard to get it. The time is now.

"Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts: How To Do Lateral Box Jumps" copyright 2011 Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts. All Rights Reserved.


Monday, October 17, 2011

How To Do Box Jumps For Beginners



If you've been searching for alternatives to the squat exercise for developing strong leg muscles, I've got a great one for you: the box jump. Why are box jumps so great? They're an incredibly powerful exercise for several reasons. As a matter of fact the box jump is a plyometric exercise that

  • strengthens your quads
  • strengthens your glutes
  • strengthens your hamstrings
  • strengthens your bones and joints
  • teaches your body how to handle load 
This exercise is so important that you must add it to your strength training routine.


This article is written primarily for beginners and people who don't have a lot of lower body strength. Plyometrics are a group of exercises wherein your muscles rapidly contract, working against gravity to enable your body to leave a horizontal surface then returning again. This action teaches your body how to handle load. It requires good neuromuscular coordination and strong joints. The intent is to create faster nervous action so that body can jump higher and move faster.

Box jumps enable the body to do these things. It's one of the methods used by professional athletes e.g. basketball players to jump so high. But before you can jump like the pros, you've got to start with the basics.

How To Do Low Level Box Jumps

You'll need a sturdy box that is about six inches high ( aerobic steps will also work) and two feet wide. Make sure the box is strong enough to support your weight. Stand in front of the box with your toes pointing straight ahead, don't allow them to turn in or out. Bend your knees to about 30 degrees. Tighten your leg muscles. Now jump onto the box. It should be a light jump i.e. not producing a heavy impact when you land on the box. Now bend your knees again and jump onto the floor. Face the box again and repeat. Do twenty repetitions of this exercise (jumping onto then off the box). Take a short break then repeat for another twenty repetitions. Go for a total of three box jump sets. If you can't finish all the reps, that's allright; do as many as you can.

As you practice the box jump, you'll become better coordinated and stronger. After several weeks, you can increase the height by another six inches. The box jump will increase overall body strength, the testosterone boost will be good for both your lower and upper body strength development. This will have carryover benefits to deadlifts, squats, and benching exercises.

That's all for now. I'll be publish a new article every week. So make sure to bookmark this website.

"Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts: How To Do Box Jumps For Beginners" copyright 2011 Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, October 10, 2011

How To Do Step Ups



Today I'm going to show you a simple body weight exercise for the lower body. Often times people neglect leg training, focusing on the chest, arms, and back. The thing is we need strong legs. If your legs are weak, it will definitely stall your overall development. And some of the best leg training exercises can be done without weights. Which is why I'm talking about the step up. Why is this exercise so important? The benefits of the step up exercise include:

  • strong quads
  • strong glutes
  • strong hamstrings
  • strong calves
How To Do Step Ups

You'll need an elevated platform for this exercise (crates, aerobic steps or bench). Make sure the platform is sturdy enough to support your body weight. Stand in front of the platform. Now place your right foot on it and step up. Next bring your left leg up. By now both feet should be on the platform. Now step down, left leg first followed by the right leg. Do this for twenty reps then take a short break. Rest a moment then do twenty more reps. Because this is a basic exercise, I recommend performing a total of one hundred reps (spread over five sets).

You should do step ups on a regular basis, you'll begin to notice your legs have become stronger and more toned. The  exercise can also be done in conjunction with lunges, and the leg press, for good lower body development. There are also carryover benefits to squats and deadlifts.

Chemical Romance has a motivational song about making your voice heard and doing things from the heart. You're on this website because you want to learn more about exercise. You might feel self conscious about the way you look right now, maybe even angry about it. You can do something about that. Train for yourself. Workout to make yourself stronger and healthier. Do it from the heart.

"Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts: How To Do Step Ups" copyright 2011 Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts. All Rights Reserved.   

Monday, October 3, 2011

How To Do Neutral Grip Pull Ups



Body weight exercises are very effective strength building workouts. Today, you're going to learn about neutral grip pull ups. This exercise is very important because it:

  • strengthens your arms
  • strengthens your shoulders
  • strengthens your upper back
  • strengthens your grip
Neutral grip pull ups are essential to any strength training program, so it's very important to learn how to do them properly.

How To Do Neutral Grip Pull Ups

You'll need a neutral grip pull up bar for this exercise (depending on your strength level you can choose close grip or shoulder width bars). Place your hands on the bars. Your palms will be facing each other. Now pull yourself upward until your head is above the bar. Make sure to keep your abdominal muscles tight. This exercise is most effective when using only your upper body i.e. do NOT use your legs. After your head is above the bar, lower yourself back down to the starting position. That's one repetition. Perform nine more, then take a minute to rest before going again. I recommend performing 50 - 100 repetitions spread over multiple sets.

If you're not very strong, do the best you can. Set a goal of one rep. Once that one is done, do one more. Workout at your own pace. As you become stronger, you'll be able to perform more repetitions with less rest between sets. Once you're able to do fifteen reps in one set, you can start adding a weight belt. This will make the exercise more challenging and allow you to continue to become stronger.

Neutral grip pull ups are a fantastic way to develop upper body strength which has carryover advantages to the overhead press, bench press, rows and dips. I suggest doing this exercise on back day and arm day.

Don't waste your time dreaming about a better body. Get off the computer and exercise. The time to do it is now.

"Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts: How To Do Neutral Grip Pull Ups" copyright 2011 Great Chest and Whole Body Workouts. All Rights Reserved.