Recently, I showed you how to do the horizontal stomach vacuum exercise. Today I'm going to show you another variation on this easy-to-do abdominal exercise.
How To Do Vertical Stomach Vacuum Exercise
don't need any equipment for this exercise. To begin, simply stand up
straight. Exhale, pushing all of the air from your lungs. Tighten your
muscles, pulling your transverse abdominis toward your spine. Keep them
tightened for thirty seconds then ease up. Rest for a twenty seconds
then do it again. Do this exercise five times, holding your abs in for
thirty seconds each time.
This isometric exercise will develop your inner abdominal muscles,
building up the muscle and preventing the appearance of a drooping
stomach. Training your abs on a regular basis and cutting body fat will
give you strong, flat abs. You should do them at least twice a week to get a well defined six pack.
Chest and Whole Body Workouts: How To Do Vertical Stomach Vacuum
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