Monday, September 27, 2010

How To Do Decline Push Ups For A Great Chest Workout

A Challenging Push Up Exercise That You Will Love



Last week I showed you how to do triangle push ups. Now I'm going to show you a push up exercise that is so incredible that you're going to want to do them right away! What am I talking about? The decline push up exercise. Why is this exercise so cool? I'll lay it out for you. Inclined push ups

  • strengthen the chest
  • strengthen the triceps
  • strengthen the core
  • build endurance
  • build stamina
  • are fun to do

But you need to know how to do them first. That's what I'm going to talk about next.

How To Perform Decline Push Up

You'll need a flat bench or a chair for this exercise. Place your palms on the floor spaced shoulder width apart. Next, put your feet on the bench. This puts you at an incline and makes your upper body work harder. Now, lower your chest to the floor then push yourself back up again. Make sure that your back is straight and your abs tight. Go for ten reps, rest then go for ten more. Perform five sets of inclined push ups and then you're done. If you're good at push ups increase the reps and/or sets. This is an advanced exercise that will do a lot for your chest, triceps and abs. Maintaining alignment also helps your stabilizer muscles, too, in this instance your legs. The fun thing about push ups is that you can mix things up. You can perform inclined triangle push ups just to make the exercise even more exciting.

Declined push ups are ideal for developing upper body strength, particularly in the chest. Add them in with your bench press exercises. As a matter of fact, the inclined push up is a lot like the inclined bench press only a lot safer because it doesn't put the undue strain on your shoulder muscles that then bench will.

So now that I've shown you how to do declined push ups, it's up to you to do them. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and do them! And remember to be safe and have fun!

"How To Do Decline Push Ups For A Great Chest Workout: A Challenging Push Up Exercise That You Will Love" copyright 2010 Great Chest Workouts. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, September 20, 2010

How To Do Triangle Push Ups For A Great Chest Workout

A Very Powerful Exercise For The Upper Body



Just because you can't make it to the gym (or don't have a membership) is no excuse for slacking off on exercises to develop a strong upper body. Why? Because you can do plenty of chest exercises including push ups. In a previous article, Great Chest Workouts: How To Do Push Ups, I talked about the regular push up exercise. It is fantastic upper body exercise, but to keep your body challenged, you must increase the number of repetitions and sets. After a while, though, you may get bored doing the same exercise again and again and again. Or your body will get used to the workout and you'll stall in strength. So how can you avoid these pitfalls? Simple. By doing a variation on the simple push up. In this article, I'm going to show you how to do the triangle push up exercise.

How To Do The Triangle Push Up

Kneel to the floor. Place both feet together and then fully extend your legs behind you. The balls of your feet should firmly touch the floor. Now create a triangular space with your hands by placing the tips of your index fingers together while doing the same with your thumbs. You can align your hands such that they are under your chest. Keep your body in a straight line, your abs must remain tight. Now slowly lower your chest toward your hands. Then using your chest muscles, push yourself back up to your starting position. Perform eight to ten reps for a total of five sets. After a few sets of this exercise, you should really start to feel it in your triceps. You'll notice that this exercise is a lot more difficult than the regular push up because it requires more work from these muscles. People who are in very good shape should be able to perform at least twenty-five reps without stopping. It also does a wonder for your triceps. If you are not familiar with push ups or have very little upper body strength, then you are setting up for the exercise, bend your knees. This takes a lot of the weight off the upper body and will make the exercise easier. The down side to this is that you will not be getting the full benefit of the triangle push up exercise. So after you become stronger, do the exercise with your legs fully extended.

The triangle push up exercise is one of those hidden little gems: you can develop a lot of upper body strength which can carry over to your bench press workouts. So if you haven't been doing them, you're cheating yourself out of very practical exercise. 

Well, that's all for this exercise. Look forward to more articles on my Great Chest Workouts website. But none of this will do you any good, if you don't get out there and do it. So get going.

"How To Do Triangle Push Ups For A Great Chest Workout: A Very Powerful Exercise For The Upper Body" copyright 2010 Great Chest Workouts. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Great Chest Workouts: How To Build Massive Triceps Doing Machine Hammer Tricep Extensions

The Triceps Machine Can Really Help Your Lifts



If you want to increase the amount that you can bench press, it's important to have strong triceps. In this article I'm going to discuss the hammer triceps extension exercise. This exercise is fantastic for developing larger, more powerful arms.

How To Perform Hammer Triceps Extensions

You'll need access to a triceps machine for this exercise. Select a weight level that will provide moderate resistance to challenge you for the workout. Sit down at the machine. Place your arms on the pads. Now grasp the handle bars in each hand. Next push the bars downward while squeezing out your triceps. Now return the handlebars to the starting position. That's one rep. I suggest performing five sets of this exercise with eight to ten repetitions per set.  As you become stronger, increase the weights by five pound increments. What are some benefits of the machine hammer tricep extensions exercise?

  • isolated exercise with emphasis on the triceps muscle
  • easy to learn making it a good starting exercise for beginners
  • improves muscular endurance
  • increases size of the triceps muscle
  • increases muscle tone
  • strength carryover for benching exercises

This is an exercise that can be learned quickly and will produce quick gains if done properly. It can be easily done along with dumbbell triceps extensions, cable tricep extensions, cable pushdowns or skullcrushers. Give it a try and you'll see how great this exercise is! And for those of you who are interested in learning how to perform triceps extensions with free weights click on the link to read my article "Great Chest Workout: How To Do Tricep Extensions".

Okay, that's all for the machine hammer triceps extension article. Now get out there and do them.

"Great Chest Workouts: How To Build Massive Triceps Doing Machine Hammer Tricep Extensions: The Triceps Machine Can Really Help Your Lifts" copyright 2010 Great Chest Workouts. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Great Chest Workouts: How To Do The Inclined Bench Barbell Press

An Important Chest Exercise



The inclined bench press is one of the most commonly used chest building exercises, but it is also very dangerous if not performed correctly. In this article I'm going to discuss inclined bench press technique, this will be of particular importance to novice trainers.

Performing the Inclined Bench Press

This exercise can be performed with dumbbells or barbell. For the purposes of this article, I will discuss the inclined bench barbell press. Check out my article "Great Chest Workouts: Hammer Grip Inclined Bench Dumbbell Press" for information about inclined bench dumbbell press exercise. You'll need an inclined bench and barbell. Lie down on the bench, make sure that your shoulder blades are firmly placed on the bench. Plant both feet on the floor, and tighten your abs. Grip the bar at shoulder width, but no wider elsewise you'll screw up your form. Now remove the bar from the rack and slowly lower it to within a few inches of adam's apple. Do NOT lower it down to your chest. I've witnessed guys who will lower the weight all the way down to their chest and press it back up again. That is a MISTAKE that could be very very dangerous and it's one that you want to avoid. When you're benching you rely heavily on your shoulder muscles. One of the worst things you can do is put undo stress on the shoulder joints. Improper form and excess weight can do a lot damage to the shoulder joint - think rotator cuff injury - which can sideline you for months at the least or cause PERMANENT injury at worst. After you have lowered the weight hold for a five second count then press the weight back up. It's also important to work with a spotter or use a Smith Machine whenever possible (especially if you are very inexperienced with weights). Perform five sets of this exercise with eight to ten reps per set. As you become stronger and add weight, you will find it difficult to get in a lot of reps, that is natural. It's common for most heavy lifters to perform four to five reps of the inclined bench press. Remember as weights and reps tend to be inversely related i.e. increasing the amount of weight will lower the number of repetitions performed. This is a great exercise for chest day, and if performed properly you will notice early gains in a matter of weeks.

Okay, that's all for this article. Look forward to more articles on my Great Chest Workouts website. Thanks for reading.   

"Great Chest Workouts: Inclined Bench Barbell Press - An Important Chest Exercise" copyright 2010 Great Chest Workouts 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Great Chest Workouts: How To Do The Hammer Grip Inclined Bench Dumbbell Press

An Exercise For The Chest



This exercise is fantastic for strengthening the chest muscles. And they're not so difficult to perform.

Performing the Hammer Grip Inclined Dumbbell Press

You'll need an inclined bench and a pair of dumbbells for this exercise. I recommend that you use a spotter for heavier weight lifting. Grip a dumbbell in each hand. Make sure that your palms are facing each other. Simultaneously press each weight upward. Hold for a moment than slowly lower them toward your chest. Then press them upward again. Repeat this for ten reps then rest. Do three - five sets of this exercise. The hammer grip inclined dumbbell bench press is an exercise that makes each side of the chest carry its own weight, if one side has difficulty pressing the weight up, you know that you need to devote more attention to strengthening it.

If you're a novice start out with relatively light weights but make sure to increase them in 2.5 to 5 pound increments each workout session. Remember to allow your muscles to recover and become stronger, so always allow at least 24 hours before working the same muscle group.

Enjoy your workout and keep it interesting and you'll see progress in strength and size.

That's all for this article. Look forward to more articles on my Great Chest Workouts website. Thanks for reading.

"Great Chest Workouts: Hammer Grip Inclined Bench Dumbbell Press: An Exercise For The Chest" copyright 2010 Great Chest Workouts. All Rights Reserved.